Same Screen Multiplayer Arcade Action
Free-For-All Where players battle it out to be the last one left to get to the ragin' party!

  • Bringing an idea to life from concept to complete production.

  • Leading a team of 6 to effectively plan and execute schedules and build requirements.

  • Collaborating with programmers to ensure an enjoyable gaming experience.

  • Integrating animations and link them with player controller.

  • Crafting seamless, challenging levels by designing interconnected sections that spawn randomly.

  • Developing user-friendly interfaces for main menu, player, and gameplay.

  • Working with musicians to enhance the game's theme with appropriate music.

  • Crafting aesthetic designs for the main menu, selection screen, player particle systems, and more.

  • Creating an engaging game trailer.

  • Enhancing the game's soundscape by creating and modifying sound effects for menu and players.

Responsibilities Included:

If you would like to download Havoc Hotel click the icon below, it will take you to the games page:

Please note the game is only mapped to Xbox 360 and Xbox One controllers.